I know I've been a bad blogger. I have so many pics and video's to upload but no time to do it. Our latest video is one of Saige in her Horse Jumparoo bouncing up and down, smiling while watching Curious Buddies. Saige LOVES Curious Buddies. I'm all for anything that is void of a certain irritating purple dinasaur who will remain nameless. I promise to make time to post it soon.
Saige has been doing VERY well. We love her very much and so do the kids. She goes thru her clingy phases but that is to be expected. Fortunately, she loves her car seat and falls asleep during long car rides. This works out well for me because I practically live in my car with all the running around I have to do. Best of all our little princess can burp like no other. Coming from a mom who can burp the alphabet I am SO very proud of my girl! God blessed us with the most perfect little girl. I can't imagine a better fit for our family! She already knows so many words. She knows ma ma, da da, ba ba, bye bye, light, no ( of course) and many more. We are amazed at how fast she picks things up.
Today we got a call from her pediatrician that her tests came back positive for giardia. I wasn't surprised in the least. Giardia is an intestinal parasite that many of the children have. No big deal just a round of antibiotics for five days. She also had high calcium levels. It could have something to do with the VN formula she was on so we are going to retest her next month. Other than that she is perfectly healthy.
I just have to say how blessed we are to have such wonderful friends and family. The night we arrived home the kids gave us books that every kid in their class helped to make for Saige. Stephen and Michael's class made a counting book for Saige and Julie's class made a picture book. I thought this was the sweetest thing ever! Saige LOVES to look thru the books and point to the pictures. Thank you so much Mrs. VanderGroef and Mrs. Ward!
I have to give a shout out to my fellow AP's. Shannon and Jason Devine's little girl Halle Grace turned one recently as did Mer and Tim's little girl Lulu Belle. Happy 1st Birthday!
Fellow hen Melissa is in VN right now adopting Abby. Congratulations Melissa!!!!
So much good news finally!
I have one more friend that is due for some good news soon on her China adoption. She has been waiting longer than we have for her little baby girl . I think about her all the time and just know that her day will come SOON.
Again, thanks to all for following along.