Julie's fever broke last night and she's feeling a little better today. All she did yesterday was lay in bed but today she's up and about. I'm keeping her home the rest of the week from school. It seems that virus is still going around and I'm not sending Julie right back into it again. I figure I'll give her the rest of the week to relax, eat and get back to her old self. She ate a whole jelly dounut this morning and polished off her orange juice so hopefully she's getting her appetite back too.
Saige did something really cute last night. I had to take the boys to karate and Carl stayed home with Julie and Saige. I'm on my way to karate and the cell phone rings. It's Carl telling me that Saige was walking around with her coat trying to put it on. lol!! She thought she was going too and knew to go get her coat! This kid is one smart little cookie!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Here we go again
We went from this: (Julie on left in pink swim cap)

To this in less than 48 hours.

Julie had her "splash" pool party Saturday night. She had a wonderful time with her friends. She was a little tired and still looked pretty pale but we thought we could finally put the mono, the virus and the ear infection behind us. When I went in to get her up this morning for school and saw how red her cheeks were, I knew. I got the ole thermometer out and she was 102.4. Off to the doctor we went and she was tested for strep and the flu, both were negative. I guess it's either the mono acting up again or she picked up a new virus at the party. I hope she is feeling better once and for all SOON.

To this in less than 48 hours.

Julie had her "splash" pool party Saturday night. She had a wonderful time with her friends. She was a little tired and still looked pretty pale but we thought we could finally put the mono, the virus and the ear infection behind us. When I went in to get her up this morning for school and saw how red her cheeks were, I knew. I got the ole thermometer out and she was 102.4. Off to the doctor we went and she was tested for strep and the flu, both were negative. I guess it's either the mono acting up again or she picked up a new virus at the party. I hope she is feeling better once and for all SOON.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Party pics
MiMa got Julie a Wow Wee Tiger Cub for her birthday...tooo cute! Julie loved it and so did Saige. As you can see from the pictures Saige didn't know what to think of it at first. It wasn't long before the tears were flowing because she didn't want to give it back to Julie. Fortunately, Julie was very nice and shared with Saige. Saige held it and said "here kitty kitty" then gave it a hug and it started purring. It purrs when you hug it or pet it and it opens and closes it's mouth and eyes. Once again MiMa picked out the perfect gift.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Happy 6th Birthday Julie!
Six years ago today our beautiful princess was born. She was born during the blizzard of 2003. Leave it to me to go into labor during a blizzard. I can't believe it's been 6 years.
I remember when I went for my ultrasound that Carl and I decided we wanted to be surprised this time and not find out the sex. Well, I got antsy towards the end and wanted to know but by then they couldn't tell. Why you ask? Because Julie decided she wanted to come into the world butt first...lol. We had to wait until delivery day to find out. I had to have a C-section because she was breach. It was the longest 5 minutes of my life waiting to hear those words. Finally, I heard the Dr. say the words I had prayed to hear. "It's a girl!"
Mommy and daddy love you so very much Julianne!
I remember when I went for my ultrasound that Carl and I decided we wanted to be surprised this time and not find out the sex. Well, I got antsy towards the end and wanted to know but by then they couldn't tell. Why you ask? Because Julie decided she wanted to come into the world butt first...lol. We had to wait until delivery day to find out. I had to have a C-section because she was breach. It was the longest 5 minutes of my life waiting to hear those words. Finally, I heard the Dr. say the words I had prayed to hear. "It's a girl!"
Mommy and daddy love you so very much Julianne!
Friday, February 13, 2009
A new record
goes to my poor Julie for her 104 temp this afternoon. Stephen had come close to the 104 mark when he was a baby and had all the ear infections but never hit it. Julie went in for all kinds of STAT bloodwork first thing this morning and everything came back within limits. They think she has a virus. I sent Julie back to school on Monday not knowing there was this virus circulating around her school. Had I known she would have never gone back this week. Having been on antibiotics for almost a month and fighting mono has just left her a target for a virus. So needless to say I am not happy about being left out of that loop.
On a happier note I applied for Saige's SS card on Wednesday and should have it in a couple weeks. Woo Hoo!
Also, Stephen got his braces off yesterday and is THRILLED. Now it's Michaels turn to get braces and he is NOT happy to say the very least.
On a happier note I applied for Saige's SS card on Wednesday and should have it in a couple weeks. Woo Hoo!
Also, Stephen got his braces off yesterday and is THRILLED. Now it's Michaels turn to get braces and he is NOT happy to say the very least.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Still sick
Julie started running a fever again today. She's still complaining of a headache but now she says a pain in her side felt like an explosion. Pretty descriptive for a 5 year old and I'm worried about what that explosion feeling was exactly. She said she felt it yesterday and now today she's sick again. She's been back to school only two times since she got mono weeks ago and today I find out that there is a virus going around the school. Well guess who's NOT going to school tomorrow and who wouldn't have gone this week had I known this. Julie has been on antibiotics for almost a month now and because of that probably has a nonexistant immune system. Overprotective? Perhaps, but my baby isn't getting better and I'm getting more and more paranoid by the day.
Even Saige is still running a low grade fever. She has a few days left on the antibiotic they gave her for the ear infection so I'm hoping it kicks in completely by then.
Even Saige is still running a low grade fever. She has a few days left on the antibiotic they gave her for the ear infection so I'm hoping it kicks in completely by then.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Tet Celebration at Carol and Steve's
What a great time we had! The food was amazing and we all had such a great time. I'm sure Carol and Steve were exhausted by the time everyone left because they really outdid themselves. It was so nice to see Saige with her TQ "sisters" again. We got to meet The Raglands and their daughter Juliet. It was so nice to meet them because I fell in love with Juliet when we were at the orphanage on the day of our G@R. We also got to see Elise and her sweet little girl Mikah again. It's always a blast to hang out with Mer and Tim but this was the first time I met their daughter Lulu. What a sweetie! Everyone was so nice and a great time was had by all.
Thanks again Carol and Steve!
Thanks again Carol and Steve!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
This is what happens
when Saige finds a balloon that Julie drew a face on with marker?

We just thought she was playing with it until a closer inspection revealed the truth. I showed her in the mirror what she looked like and for the longest time she just stared then she said...ut oh. lol.
Fortunately this all happened after our post placement visit! lol

We just thought she was playing with it until a closer inspection revealed the truth. I showed her in the mirror what she looked like and for the longest time she just stared then she said...ut oh. lol.
Fortunately this all happened after our post placement visit! lol
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