It's been such a busy summer. We've gone to Great Wolf Lodge a few times and Camelbeach water park. I tried to keep the kids busy. There were lots of places I would have liked to take the kids (Bronx Zoo, Claws and Paws, Mountain Creek just to name a few)but summer was in fast forward. I can't believe how quick it went. I enjoyed having the kids home. We were up late, slept in til almost noon and just out having fun. I'm going to miss having them around all day and so will Saige. Julie has made it her duty to go in and get Saige out of her crib in the morning. Saige gets the biggest kick out of "J". I know Saige will be like a fish out of water when the kids go back to school. She's loves tagging around with them all day. I'm definately NOT looking forward to the kids sports schedule...BUSY BUSY BUSY. It's going to be a crazy busy Fall.
Saige has learned SO many new words and even speaks sentences. "I got it" is one of her fav's. She can also count to five. Before she jumps on something she will stand a few steps back and count...1...2...3...GO!! It's hysterical.
Below are some pictures of the beautiful flowers and cake my mom got me for my birthday. I truly have the best mom, kids, hubby and friends ever. I'm a lucky gal!
Oh geez and I almost forgot. The sights you see at concerts! lol. Below there is also a picture of a woman who was crazy enough to wear a bikini with only a fishnet cover up. *note all of the people around her laughing* I don't know WHAT made this woman think she should strut around in a bikini, for crying out loud her ta ta's were down to her knees. lol. My poor kids had to see this!