Mommy and daddy are completely in love with this baby. She likes both of us but LOVES her daddy. She loves to snuggle up with daddy on the couch and watch TV. We had to take her to the SOS clinic today as she was sleeping alot and running a fever. Turns out she has an upper respiratory infection and ear infection. The antibiotic we gave her made her sick. We are hoping she is able to eat some tomorrow so that the antibiotics will stay down. If not then I'm sure we will be right back at the SOS clinic.
Yesterday was a LONG day. We woke up at 5 .am. to be in the lobby by 7 a.m. We then made the 3 1/2 hour butt numbing ride to her orphanage. When we arrived the nannies were right out front waiting for us holding the babies. I recognized Saige immediately and after only a couple minutes and MANY tears the nanny let me hold her. Then it was time to quickly change her and go to the G&R ceremony. After the G&R we went to lunch. My weak stomach wouldn't allow me to eat but Carl did. After lunch we went back to the orphanage and played with all the children while our paperwork was being prepared. We were back on the bumpy ride to Hanoi by late afternoon and back at the hotel around 8:30 p.m.
. It was an amazing day. Daddy and Saige really bonded. She also loves when daddy holds her so she can rest her head on his shoulder.
It's been really nice getting to know the other families. We usually go in groups to many places and even made our SOS appointments together. I look forward to meeting the next group. To all of you at home who have been so kind to my mom....THANK YOU so much! I can't tell you how much it means to have such good friends.
this is one of the most beautiful photos I have ever seen. Right now I can't seem to stop the tears.
She is so beautiful and looks so
at peace on Carl's shoulder.
Im so glad you are having such a
wonderful trip but so cant wait
until you get back so that I can
finally get to meet her!
Post more pictures!!!!!!
Hope the ear infection clears up
soon too.
Hi Steph!
Thank you so much for all the updates and pictures! We are so excited for you guys and cannot wait to meet the newest addition. She is absolutely beautiful!! We are looking forward to seeing ALL of you. Enjoy the rest of your trip. Hope Saige feels better soon.
Erin, Laz & Giovanni
P.S. Just a little idea you might want to do ... when my father and step-mom were in Paraguay adopting my brother, they bought all kinds of souvenirs. Then on each of his birthdays he gets one of them! He's now 13 years old and enjoys seeing some of the native things from his birth country.
YEAH!!!!!!!! She is BEAUTIFUL! I am so happy for you guys!
Keep the photos coming!!!
Raina and I have been waiting for the pictures of Saige and checking the blog a few times a day. We think the one of her and Carl is adorable(Raina's word). Keep the info coming and we will see you when you get back. Rock On!
Kevin and Raina
What a sweet picture of Saige and her daddy! Congratulations to you all!
OH MY HOG!!! She is beautiful and the pic of her with carl is sooo stinky sweet.i started to cry when i heard that you FINALLY had your baby in your arms!!!! kd did not cry (haha) but he is VERY happy for you. we'll be happy when you are home safely with saige and can't wait to meet her. julie just left with jeff. her, devyn and liah play this afternoon. it snowed a little her but mostly just rain in our area. we miss you and are so excited for you. enjoy your time there. thank u for keeping us posted!!!! lots of love
em and kd
A few quick tips...
1. Try the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast) for an upset tummy. It works great for grown-ups, too!
2. If she really can't hold food down, break out the Pedialyte! a teaspoon every half hour; if she can keep it down, try doubling, and so on and so on.
She is just beautiful.
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