Thursday, November 6, 2008

We have her visa!!

Woo Hoo! I can't tell you how good it feels to have that over and done with. This means that we can bring our little girl to the US and as soon as her little feet hit the ground when we get off the plane she is a officially a US citizen.

As of early this morning we were still waitlisted for a flight out on Saturday. We were told we could get out Satuday if we fly economy but we are cheap and we paid for Deluxe so that's what we want. Besides that we saw the economy seats and they are very cramped and unformfortable looking. Not the way I want to fly with a baby in tow for 20 some hours.

Yesterday our friends Carol and Steve were kind enough to take us shopping with them around the Old Quarter. We had a great time as always! Steve is quite the negotiator. He would get a price for something, tell them no, rip out his calculator, show them the price he wanted to pay and let them either take it or leave it. Too funny!

I still have more shopping to do but I don't know if I'll get Carl out again. He was tired. Normally when we go shopping at home he is the mall benchwarmer but there was NO where to sit and wait here. Poor guy had to just buck up. In his defense it was hot. The sun doesn't come out in VN very often but when it does...oh boy is it toasty.

Tonight we are supposed to have another storm. We were told by the very nice woman who interviewed us for Saige's visa that we should stock up on some food. *yikes* I look out the window now and I can see for miles so I'm hoping that it'll pass us. I'll post some close ups of Saige later.


emkdoli said...

yeah!!!! i am so glad that it sounds like everything is going smoothly. kd and i were getting a little worried because we hadn't heard anything. i'm trying to picture carl shopping for hours in the hot sun while negotiating and it is kinda cracking me up!!!as the days get closer i bet ya'll r getting soooo excited to bring your sweet girl home. normally i would say just get on a flight and come home but 20 hours and if u paid for better seats...i would wait too. 20 hours on a flight...uggg...don't forget, dont't go to the bathroom without your!!!

Kris Ann said...
