The formula switch seems to be working really well. I could not believe the sheer volume of poop that came out of this tiny little 18lb child. Forget poop up the back syndrome this was poop up the back of the NECK syndrome. I've changed MANY diapers in my day as Saige is my 4th child but I have NEVER changed a diaper like THIS. An award winner for sure.
I snapped some pictures of Saige tonight holding her new Wiggles microphone while eating Nerds. I was enjoying snapping up pictures of Saige when I hear Stephen, Michael and Julie laughing hysterically. Apparently Julie decided it would be jolly good fun to stick a couple of Nerds up her nose. Funny right? Well it's all fun and games until the Nerds won't come back OUT. Once reality hit, Julie was crying and blowing her nose trying to get them out. After several failed attempts she finally blew hard enough and out they came. The picture below is a very happy Julie holding the expelled Nerds in her hand. I'm relatively certain that she won't be doing that again anytime in the near future. There's never a dull moment in this house that's for sure.
Julie's nose Nerds


The Wiggles and Nerds...what more could a little girl want?

Mmmmmm.....these things are sooo good

Poor Samantha! She doesn't have siblings around to teach her words like "Poop" and "Mine" (although she does think everything belongs to her..LOL).
This made me laugh out loud!
Tell Julie that I love Nerds, too, but she is much more experimental with them than I am.
Also, when my brother was a kid, he stuck his tooth (which had just fallen out) up his nose. We almost had to take him to the E.R., but he, too, blew it out.
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