Monday, March 16, 2009

Good times

Ok, so the kids went to their cousin Liah's skating party yesterday and good times were had by all. It was SO nice to see Julie out having FUN for a change. I was amazed at how well each of the kids did at skating. They all had the hang of it before we left.
The downfall was this morning. J woke up tired and sore. Her cheeks were red and she was crying so I took her temp. Yep, a fever. UGH. Monday Monday...can't stand them Monday's. It was a slight fever and this week was IOWA testing at school so I gave her some Motrin and sent her on her way to school...bad mommy. In my defense I told her to just go as long as she can and go to the nurse if she got worse. J made it thru the whole day but I decided to take her to the Dr. after school because she just looked bad and the nurse looked in her ears and thought she had and ear infection. The Dr. tested her for strep and she was negative and she had no ear infection so it is assumed that she has yet ANOTHER virus. Good grief, how many viruses can this poor kid GET? *sigh*
Anywho, the boys got their mid term grades and they did AWESOME! Woo Hoo!

I'll post some blurry pics of the skating party tomorrow.


Samantha's Blog said...

Hugs to Julie...hope she feels better tomorrow!

Shannon Devine "Miss Magic's mommy" said...

Poor thing! I hope she is going to be back to 100% Julie really soon!!!