lol. Tonight our darling Saige decided to bite off the end of an eraser and stick it up her nose. Now she's ever put things up her nose before but has always been able to blow it right back out. Not tonight. It was STUCK and she was not happy about it. I had to take my otoscope to look in her nose so that I could see it then take tweezers and pull it out. This took several tries and I was starting to think this would be a trip to the ER since she was VERY uncomfortable. After having 3 other children I really thought I had seen it all....NOT!!! Below is the offending eraser and tools used to retrieve said eraser. This kid sure does keep us on our toes!

Matthew is big on sticking things in his ear. So far, no nose, lol.
Saige sounds like a handful!!! :)
I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time, but this made me laugh. Good thing you're an experienced mom - probably much calmer than I would have been.
What a great story! I'm so glad Saige is ok and you didn't need a trip to the ER.
So far Giana just puts everything in/on her hair. Meals are a mess, but at least we aren't likely to need a doctor.
I hope Julie is feeling better soon.
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