Saturday, March 21, 2009

The snack trap

Everyone needs one of these. Saige walks around eating her little snacks from this cup and loves it.

We are noticing a difference in Saige already. Fingers crossed that this formula switch will do the trick.


Shannon Devine "Miss Magic's mommy" said...

Steph, she is an angel! BEAUTIFUL!!! Her hair is getting SO long! I could just kiss her face off!!! She is a BEAUTY!!!!!! I love the snack trap!

Ashley said...

i need to bring kennedy over and let saige show her how to use it. kennedy will not stick her hand into the bowl. i'm not sure what her issue is with it, its actually pretty funny. saige is so cute and i cannot believe how big she has gotten!

hey, are you guys going to be able to make it to the reunion?

The Baxter Family said...

Caroline loves her snack trap, too, and it really helps keep her entertained when we are grocery shopping!

I'm glad to hear that the formula switch is working. :-)

Samantha's Blog said...

Ok...where can I get one of these?