Monday, February 23, 2009

Here we go again

We went from this: (Julie on left in pink swim cap)

To this in less than 48 hours.

Julie had her "splash" pool party Saturday night. She had a wonderful time with her friends. She was a little tired and still looked pretty pale but we thought we could finally put the mono, the virus and the ear infection behind us. When I went in to get her up this morning for school and saw how red her cheeks were, I knew. I got the ole thermometer out and she was 102.4. Off to the doctor we went and she was tested for strep and the flu, both were negative. I guess it's either the mono acting up again or she picked up a new virus at the party. I hope she is feeling better once and for all SOON.


Mer (Lulu's Mommy) said...

My heart goes out to you!

Alix said...

Poor Julie. :( I hope she feels better soon!

Samantha's Blog said...

Feel better soon Julie!!!!

Shannon Devine "Miss Magic's mommy" said...

Poor baby!! Praying for you guys!