Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Saige!

Woo Hoo! I'll post some pics later.

Unfortunately 2 of my 4 kiddos are sick and it's been a crazy morning. I spent half the day yesterday in the doctors office and Lab Corp getting bloodwork done on Julie. She's been complaining of a sore throat and headaches. She's also been sleeping ALOT. This morning Stephen woke me up to tell me he had been sick. (total understatement) I gave him some tylenol for fever and even that isn't staying down. Hopefully both of them will be feeling better really soon.

More later.


Samantha's Blog said...

Hey Steph!

I hope that Julie and Stephen are feeling better...and that Michael & Saige stay healthy.

Happy Birthday Saige! We love you sweet girl!

Mer (Lulu's Mommy) said...


Hope everyone feels better.