Thursday, January 22, 2009

Sick again

Julie is sick again. She got off the antibiotic last week and whatever she had is back again. The pediatrician still has no idea what it is since both the mono and strep tests were negative. He put her on a stronger antibiotic today and wants her blood work redone if she's not better by Saturday. I also made an appt with the ENT because her tonsils are large on a good day but lately they are just enormous. Her lymph nodes are so swollen that her neck is starting to look like Frankenstein. I'm hoping the ENT advises us to have her tonsils removed as I think think she keeps getting tonsillitis.

In other news Saige had her one year well checkup today and all is well. She gained a few ounces and has finally reached 18lbs. She is getting rechecked for giardia to make sure it's gone for good. The pediatrician also wanted to test her for h pylori and recheck her calcium levels as they were high the first time. Of course I forgot to give her Tylenol before we left for her appt but they were kind enough to give me a sample bottle. I always make sure to give Tylenol prior to any of the appts where shots are given because it cuts down dramatically on fevers and aches from the shots. The poor baby got 3 shots today and boy did she scream. Saige has this scream that is just off the charts LOUD. She shrieks and it just makes me want to jump out of my skin. Perhaps she needed a loud voice in the orphanage to be heard over all the other babies.

It was a bad day all around today. I didn't realized I had parked the car over a patch of ice at the pediatrician. I had Saige in my arms, stepped foot on the ground, my feet went out from under me and on my arse I went. Thank God I had a good hold of Saige and managed to hold on to her. It was one of those falls that just leaves you sitting there like WTF just happened? I guess having a squishy butt (as Stephen calls it) comes in handy in times like that because I fell hard. Julie asked me if I was OK and said "yep mommy, that's gonna leave a mark". lol.

1 comment:

Samantha's Blog said...

What a day! I was feeling so bad for you while I was reading this. I will admit...I did laugh at Julie's remark at the end. It reminded me of you...LOL! Is Julie your "mini-me"?