Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Out they go

Julie's tonsils that is. The ENT agreed with me that Julie would be better off having her tonsils removed due to their size and the problems she's been having with them. Stephen had his out when he was about 4 and it was the best thing I could have had done for him. Stephen used to be the poster child for strep throat until we had his removed. He's never had any throat problems since. Hoping the same holds true for Julie. We have to wait 6 weeks for her spleen to get back to it's original size so I guess it'll be scheduled sometime in March.

As for our Saige, her bloodwork came back negative for both Giardia and H pylori...woo hooo!!! Her calcium level was slightly elevated but down considerable from the first test two months ago so I'm pretty sure it was a formula issue.

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