Friday, January 23, 2009

No better

Julie woke up in tears this morning because it hurt so bad to swallow. I looked in her throat and she was more swollen than yesterday. I gave her some medicine and tucked her back in bed and she was asleep again by the time I had to take the boys to school. When I woke her up to take the boys to school she was crying which in turn got me crying. I was all set to take her to the emergency room but the pediatrician told me to bring her back in to them. She ordered some more bloodwork and prescribed her some steroids to bring the swelling down in her throat. They don't know what's wrong but seem to think it may be mono. There I am sitting with Julie in the room and the Dr. is telling me yet again that they don't know what's wrong. I was in tears. It's not bad enough that my baby is in pain and there's nothing I can do about it but to hear they still don't know what is causing it was the worst.
Her bloodwork may be back tomorrow but if not we won't know until Monday. UGH.

1 comment:

Samantha's Blog said...

I am praying that they will get back to you today with the results. Samantha and I always pray for the Olinger family but we will add a special pray for Julie until she is feeling better. Hugs & Kisses Julie!